Imagine a world where laughter roars as loudly as a dragon’s fire, where wordplay is as sharp as a dragon’s claw, and where the humor is as legendary as the dragons themselves. Welcome to the realm of dragon puns, where wit takes flight on scaly wings! This is a journey through the fiery depths of wordplay, crafted to tickle your funny bone and leave you breathing fire with laughter.

Dragons are known for their might and magic, so weave a bit of their legendary status into clever turns of phrase.

Before you dive into the list, remember to prepare your sides for holding, as the following puns are sure to bring on some belly-aching laughs!

  1. Why did the dragon quit his job? He was always getting dragon around.
  2. What do you call a dragon that’s always late? A pro-crastinator.
  3. Why did the dragon sit on sandpaper? He wanted to feel gritty.
  4. What’s a dragon’s favorite subject in school? History – because it’s filled with tales!
  5. How do you make a dragon float? You need two scoops of ice cream and some root beer!
  6. What’s a dragon’s favorite type of music? Scale-o!
  7. What shoes do dragons wear? Brogues!
  8. What do dragons use to bake? A scale!
  9. Why did the dragon cross the road? To get to the other scale!
  10. What do you call a dragon investor? Scale-up capitalist!
  11. What do you call a small dragon inventor? Scale-down capitalist!
  12. Why did the dragon bring a ladder with him? He’s trying to get to higher scale!
  13. How do you get on a dragon’s good side? Respect their scale and never try to shrink their market!
  14. What’s a dragon’s least favorite month? Scaletember!
  15. Dragons are no longer allowed at the beach. Why you might ask? Because they kept scaring the scale babes!
  16. What’s a dragon’s drink of choice? Scale ale!
  17. My friend told me a cool dragon fact today. Turns out… they are nothing but scale bags.
  18. What do you call a dragon in denial? Scale-f aware!
  19. What do you call a dragon who loves to party? Scale brat!
  20. What do you call a dragon’s love letter? Scale mail!
  21. What do you call a dragon with dandruff? Flakey scale!
  22. How do you know a dragon is poor? They are always short on scale.
  23. What do you call a dragon who isn’t honest? Scale swindler!
  24. What do you call a dragon that gives? Scale giver!
  25. Where do dragons go to get their hair done? Scale lon!
  26. What do you call a dragon who needs help? Scale-9-1-1!
  27. What do you call a dragon you are trying to hire? Scale talent
  28. What do you call an evil dragon? Scale-awag
  29. Why don’t dragons like to share? Because they don’t like to scale down their share!
  30. What do you call a dragon that is also a police officer? Scale enforcer.
  31. What do you call a dragon that is also a baker? Scale baker.
  32. What do you call a dragon that is also a coach? Scale coach.
  33. What do you call a dragon that is also a doctor? Scale doctor.
  34. What do you call a dragon that is also a dentist? Scale dentist.
  35. What do you call a dragon that is also a carpenter? Scale carpenter.
  36. What do you call a dragon that is also an officer? Scale officer.
  37. What do you call a dragon that is also a teacher? Scale teacher.
  38. What do you call a dragon that is also a pilot? Scale pilot.
  39. What do you call a dragon that is also a musician? Scale musician.
  40. What do you call a vegan dragon? Scale eater.

Fire-Breathing Puns

Fire is a dragon’s signature skill, so get ready to ignite your sense of humor with these fiery jokes!

If you’re feeling the heat from these puns, don’t worry, that just means you’re having a hot time!

  1. Why was the dragon a terrible comedian? His jokes always fell flat, they had no combustion.
  2. I entered my dragon into a chili contest. He’s hoping to bring the heat.
  3. What do you call a liar dragon? Incendiary!
  4. Why don’t dragons use stoves? Because they can fire up a meal in seconds!
  5. What is a dragon’s favourite condiment? Hot sauce.
  6. I asked a dragon for help lighting my grill, but he said he was burned out.
  7. Hear about the dragon who started a bonfire company? Biggest burn on the coasts.
  8. Dragons make terrible chefs. Everything is charred.
  9. What’s a dragon’s favourite type of dance? The fire drill.
  10. What do you say before a dragon spits fire on burgers? Fire in the hole!
  11. What do you call a dragon barbeque chef? Sir burns a lot!
  12. Which are the dragon’s favorite football team? Firebirds!
  13. How does a dragon start his car? Fire up the engine.
  14. How do you compliment a dragon? Tell him he is looking fire!
  15. What is the dragons favorite TV show? Firing Line with William Buckley Jr
  16. What do you call an attractive female dragon? Baby, you are so fire!
  17. Why do dragons use tinder? To fire things up.
  18. They say dragons live in the mountains because they like the fir trees and the fire side chats.
  19. In the music industry, dragons invented fire beats.
  20. What do you call a dragon that is a professional boxer? Fire fist.
  21. Why did the knight refuse to fight the dragon? he was fired from his last job.
  22. What kind of dragon is a pyromaniac? Fire dragon!
  23. What do you call an arsonist dragon? Fire starter dragon!
  24. What do you call a dragon who is a new employee? Fireling.
  25. What happened when the dragon drank too much gasoline? It became a fire hazard.
  26. Is it alright to hold a dragon hand? Yes, but you need to buy him a firest.
  27. What do you call an angry dragon? Fireious.
  28. What do you call a dragon when he catches something on fire? Pyromaniac.
  29. I just caught a dragon stealing my fire wood? Can you believe it?
  30. What did the dragon ask when he ordered a coffee? Can I get a fire shot of espresso.
  31. What do you call a dragon that just got out of medical leave? Fired up.
  32. Is it ok to play with dragons? Yes, but don’t get burned.
  33. Dragon fighting is my fireiority.
  34. What is dragon’s favorite ice cream flavor? Fire cherry ice cream.
  35. What do you call a dragon who got burned on the last day of spring? Fired April.
  36. What do you call a dragon with a PhD? Firey PhD.
  37. What do you call a dragon with low self-esteem? Firesecure.
  38. How do you compliment a dragon? You have a fire personality.
  39. Which restaurant should I take my dragon girlfriend? Firefly restaurant.
  40. A dragon and a phoenix walked into a bar next to the fire place…

Dragons are known for hoarding gold and treasure, so let’s mine some humor from their precious collections!

Don’t just sit there on your treasure; share these puns and spread the riches of laughter!

  1. Why did the dragon become a financial advisor? He was great at managing his hoardfolio!
  2. What’s a dragon’s favorite kind of movie? Anything about a hoarder!
  3. Why don’t dragons ever gamble? Because they don’t want to lose their hoard earned cash!
  4. Dragons have so much money they can’t afford to hoard it.
  5. What is the best way to describe a dragon? A rich hoarder.
  6. What do you call a dragon who is constantly lying? A pathological hoarder.
  7. When it comes to finding cheap airfare, dragons hoard the market!
  8. What do you call a dragon that loves a sale? A hoardain.
  9. Why did the dragon stop eating? He hoarded too much food.
  10. Why don’t dragons like the winter? Because they hate hoard frost.
  11. What do you call a dragon that is an attorney? Hoard of appeals
  12. What do you call a dragon that is a salesman? A hoarder taker
  13. Is dragons the best at getting what they want? Yes, they are the best hoard dogs.
  14. What do you call a dragon that owns a business? Hoard properties.
  15. What do you call a dragon that works in IT? Sys Admin hoarder.
  16. What do you call a dragon that helps people? Hoard Samaritan.
  17. What do you call a dragon who had an illegal business? Hoard of director.
  18. What do you call a dragon who’s wife likes to clean? The hoard lady.
  19. Why did the dragon get fired from his job? Couldn’t close the hoarder.
  20. Why do people hire dragon’s to work in sales? Because they close the hoarders.
  21. Is it ok to be a dragon? Yes, you just have to watch out for the hoard cops.
  22. What do you call a dragon who flies a helicopter? Hoard bird.
  23. Who is dragon’s favorite rapper? Hoardi B.
  24. Why does dragon love the 80’s? They are big fans of hoard rock.
  25. What animal does the dragon like to hang out with? Hoard dog.
  26. What’s a dragon’s favorite type of art? A hoardcore picture!
  27. What do you call a dragon that’s an assistant? hoardinate
  28. Are dragons good at investments? Of course! When it comes to building your portfolio and getting that ROI, dragons hoard it all.
  29. What do you call a dragon that’s a judge? Hoarder in the court!
  30. What do you call a dragon that is a bartender? Hoardtender.
  31. Why did the dragon refuse the drink? He wanted hoard stuff.
  32. What is the best type of business strategy dragons can implement? Hoardizontal merger
  33. A man came to a dragon asking to borrow money? Instead of dragon’s hoard, can you borrow me a hand!.
  34. Did you hear about the dragon who had a mental hoarding illness and became a doctor? Well that’s hoardible.
  35. Do you know why the dragon got fired? Because he was a dirty hoard rat.
  36. What do you call a dragon’s favorite movie about a cartoon? Hoardtoons.
  37. What do you call a big sign that says that dragons won’t let you in? Hoard blocked
  38. What do you call a dragon with a lot of knowledge? Hoard to find.
  39. How do you stop dragon from robbing you? Get a hoard dog!
  40. Why are dragons good to have around? They are the best at security and will hoard guard.

Dragons are covered in scales, offering another layer of wordplay to explore.

These puns are so good; they’re scale-arious! Try not to scale back your laughter!

  1. Why did the dragon start a business? He wanted to scale up his profits.
  2. What’s a dragons favorite restaurant in town? Scaleops and scale food
  3. What did the dragon major in at highschol? Fish with scaleology
  4. What’s a dragons favorite business model? Product scale
  5. What’s a dragons favorite type of weight? Scale
  6. What do you call a dragon that is a singer? Scale performer
  7. What do you call a dragon that’s always happy? Scalebrate of the town!
  8. What do you call a dragon that owns a gym? Scale fit zone.
  9. What do you call a dragon that is a farmer? Scale the harvest
  10. What is a dragon’s favorite type of music? Scaleo!
  11. What do you call a dragon that is a computer expert. Exabyte Scale
  12. What do you call a dragon that likes to run a lot? Scales in motion
  13. Why is it hard to find a dragon? They are hard to scale down.
  14. What do you call a dragon that’s a chef? Cordon Scale
  15. What’s a dragon’s favourite type of dance? The Scaledo.
  16. What do you call a dragon that is a business expert? Enterprise Scale
  17. What did the dragon get on his test? A+ Scale
  18. What’s a dragon’s favorite animal to hang out with. Scale fish!
  19. Which food does the dragon hate? Scale lops.
  20. Scales. I tell you, dragons have them!
  21. Why are dragons good to keep around? They are so scaleful.
  22. What do you call a dragon that’s a computer expert? Server Scale!
  23. Why can the dragon be a great financial advisor? Because its expertise is on scale!
  24. What do they call a dragon that has a skin disease? Scalely
  25. What do you call a dragon who lives on top of each other for comfort? A city with scalescrapers.
  26. Why don’t dragons trust the new guy? He’s a bit scaley!
  27. What do dragons use to weigh things? Scale!
  28. What do you call a dragon that loves to climb? Scale mountaineer.
  29. What do you call a dragon expert? Scalely.
  30. What’s a dragon’s favorite subject in school? Scaleculus
  31. What do you call a dragon that is in charge of a school? Scale principal.
  32. Can you describe a dragon? Majestic and scaletely unique.
  33. What do you call a dragon that loves to workout? Scale the fitness.
  34. What do you call a dragon that works for the police? Officer Scale
  35. What do you call a dragon that wears glasses? Scaleted.
  36. What do you call a dragon that’s funny? Comed Scale
  37. What do you call a dragon that’s a great lawyer? Scale lawyer.
  38. What do you call a dragon that lives in the city? Scaledwellers.
  39. What do you call a dragon’s favorite type of food? Scaleries.
  40. What do you call a dragon that is also a sailor? Scaleor

Dragons soar through the sky on powerful wings, leading to some high-flying humor.

Hold on tight; these puns are about to wing their way into your heart!

  1. Why did the dragon become a pilot? He had the wings for it!
  2. Why did the dragon go to the doctor? He had a winge in his step.
  3. What do you call a dragon that is always winning? Wingetarian
  4. What do you call a dragon in a baseball game? *Wingman
  5. What’s a dragon’s favorite part of a car? The wings
  6. Why are dragon stories good. They send us winging to a magical place
  7. Did hear about the band that was flying in dragon form? A wing nut band.
  8. What’s a dragon’s favourite piece of chicken? Wings
  9. How do you make dragons feel special? Wing them over
  10. What would you title a dragon about a baseball game? Wing man.
  11. What would you title a dragon about a crazy person? Wing nut
  12. Is it ok to mess with dragon? No, they will wing you with their tail
  13. Why did the dragon apply for a job as a pilot? He wanted to be wingin’ it!
  14. What do you call a dragon that loves to complain? Wingey dragon.
  15. Why are dragons so good at advertising? Because they can wing everyone over!
  16. What do you call a dragon that’s your best friend? Wing man.
  17. Why did the dragon stop flying around humans? He was winging it.
  18. What do you call a dragon that gets hurt a lot? Wingded
  19. What do you call a dragon that only eats plants? Wingitarian
  20. Why are dragons very independent? They never winge for too long.
  21. What do you call a dragon that is always correct? Wing on!
  22. What do you call a dragon that doesn’t go anywhere? Clipped wings!
  23. What do you call a dragon that is at a BBQ? Winging it out!
  24. What do you call a dragon that is on your side? Wing man!
  25. What do you call a dragon that is an artist? Wingventive
  26. What do you call a dragon that is a football player? Wing back!
  27. What do you call a dragon when you see him from far away? A dot on a wing!
  28. What do you call a dragon when you are in love? Your wingmate.
  29. What do you call a dragon at peace? Under his wing.
  30. What do you call a dragon building a house? Wingnificent
  31. What do you call a dragon that is in charge? Wingpin
  32. What do you call a dragon that has no tail? Wingtless.
  33. What do you call a dragon that has his tail cut of? Wingdered
  34. What is a dragon’s favorite part about a road trip? Winging out to new places.
  35. When the dragon gets married, what do you call him/her? Wingderful
  36. Where did the dragon get his new furniture? Wingstop
  37. Who is a dragon’s favorite singer? Paul Wing
  38. What does Santa ride on when he runs out of reindeer? Dragon Wings
  39. Why did the dragon have to quit a job? He couldn’t wing it
  40. What did the dragon say when he lost his wings? I’m wingry!

Knight and Dragon Puns

This classic pairing of knights and dragons offers some golden comedic opportunities.

Prepare for a knight of laughter with these chivalrously silly puns!

  1. Why did the knight bring a ladder to the dragon’s lair? He wanted to meet him eye to eye!
  2. Did you hear about the dragon who retired to the countryside? He was knighting his days away.
  3. Why was the knight afraid of the dragon? He heard the dragon had a fiery temper!
  4. What happens when a knight is bitten by a dragon? He becomes a knightmare.
  5. What do you call a dragon that doesn’t like to fight knights? A knight nice dragon.
  6. What do you call a dragon that is in a police officer? The knight watch!
  7. Can dragons see at knight? Yes, but they prefer to sleep.
  8. My neighbor just finished his knight academy degree.
  9. What do you call a dragon in shining armor? A knightmare to deal with.
  10. What do you call a dragon who refuses to fight? A true, brave knight of heart.
  11. Did you hear about the dragon who’s favorite time of day is at Knight
  12. What happened to the night when he ran into the dragon? He got Knighted
  13. Two dragons came to the Knight games.
  14. Have you met the legendary dragon who slays knights?
  15. What do you call a dragon when it can see everything. knightingale
  16. I am knight trying to start a fight with the dragon!
  17. I want my knight to slayed as a souvenir?
  18. A dragon just opened a knight club that i am scared to go to.
  19. Are dragons dangerous? Yeah, they slay knights all the time.
  20. Don’t go out with a dragon, because they might knight you.
  21. Why do dragons knight their teeth. Because they smell so nice.
  22. Dragons always slay knights due to the fire. .
  23. What do you call a dragon that’s always looking for trouble? Dark knight
  24. What do you call a dragon that’s always looking for something? Knight vision
  25. What do you call a dragon whose favorite time of day is evening? Knight owl
  26. What do you call a dragon who is always brave? Knight in shining armor.
  27. What do you call a dragon who’s also a soldier? Knight patrol
  28. What do you call a dragon who doesn’t make mistakes? Shining knight
  29. What do you call a dragon who doesn’t sleep? Knight mare dragon.
  30. I asked to see a Knight on a horse and the dragon brought me a Knight on a horse.
  31. What do you call a dragon dressed as a knight? An imposter.
  32. What is the dragon’s favorite time of day? Midknight
  33. Who is the dragon’s favorite knight of the round table? Sir Loin of Beef
  34. What does a dragon like to eat for dinner on a knight? Knight Nurse
  35. What side of a dragon do you hate the most? The outside
  36. Can I trust a dragon? Yeah, they act all civil and show knightness
  37. What do you call a dragon that’s a knightmare? Something really scary.
  38. A dragon dressed up as Batman for Halloween. Everyone said he looked scary
  39. What do you call a knight that is also a superhero? Batman
  40. What’s a dragon’s favorite time of day? Midknight

Dragon-Slaying Puns

This is where we turn the tables and dragon-slayers tell the jokes!

It’s time to slay with laughter! These puns might be fatal to your funny bone.

  1. Why did the dragon-slayer become a comedian? He knew how to deliver a killing joke!
  2. What do you call a dragon-slayer who loves to garden? A down to earth fellow!
  3. What’s a dragon-slayer’s favourite board game? Clue!
  4. What’s a dragons least favorite game? Slaystation.
  5. What’s the fastest way to slay a dragon? Cut off tail
  6. Did you hear about the dragon who slays with kindness?
  7. What do you call a dragon-slayer that is a baker at the same time? Slayry chef
  8. Do you know why dragon-slayer’s are so brave? Slay all day.
  9. Is it ok to slay dragons? Yeah, if they are evil.
  10. What are dragon-slayer’s afraid of? Dragons playing slaystation.
  11. Has anyone discovered a method of slaying a dragon with happiness?
  12. What do you call a dragon slayer that’s a handyman? All Trades
  13. Why do people love dragons as pet? They are so slayful
  14. Why are dragon-slayer so successful? They come to slay!
  15. Why do people look up to dragon-slayer’s? They are a Slaylebrity
  16. What do they teach you at a dragon-slayer academy? How to slay dragon!s
  17. I want to become a dragon-slayer so bad but that will never slay!
  18. Dragon just launched their new game called scale-slayer is great.
  19. What do call a dragon-slayer that kills all dragons? Dragon slayer
  20. Do you know why dragon-slayers were getting paid to slay all day?
  21. You know dragon-slayers has to win!
  22. I can’t believe the dragon-slayer always wins!
  23. The dragons just released a new slay list that they would recommend to people.
  24. What’s a dragon’s lease favorite genre of music? Slaytanic
  25. What’s a dragon’s favorite thing to hear? Slay!
  26. Why was the dragon impressed? He thought the girl that tried to roast him scaled!.
  27. When the dragon got a haircut- the barber gave him a great fade!
  28. Why do dragons love being in charge of marketing? They have great scale!
  29. What do you call a dragon who is very fashionable? Dragon designer.
  30. Where does a dragon buy his clothes? Drago- Mart
  31. What kind of car does a dragon drive? A fire-wheely car
  32. Why do dragons make good leaders? Because they are bold!
  33. What is a dragon’s favorite card game? Dragon poker, it is bold!
  34. What does a dragon use to fix their car? Auto-body!
  35. Why are dragons good at leading the army? They can get their point across well!
    .36 What type of music do dragons like? Tailor swift
  36. What do dragons like their food cooked on? Charbroil
  37. What makes a dragon so brave in battle? Dragons have heart!
  38. What does a dragon say to the people watching him slay other dragons? Watch me, no fear!
  39. What do you say to the dragon that is confident in battle to say their opinion? Be bold and no fear!

FAQ Section

Q1: What makes a good dragon pun?
A: The best dragon puns cleverly incorporate words associated with dragons, like “fire,” “scales,” “hoard,” or “wings,” while creating a humorous twist.

Q2: How can I come up with my own dragon puns?
A: Start by brainstorming words related to dragons. Then, think of common phrases or expressions that sound similar and try to combine them in a funny way.

Q3: Are dragon puns suitable for all ages?
A: Most dragon puns are family-friendly and suitable for all ages. However, some may have slightly more sophisticated wordplay that younger children might not fully grasp.

Q4: Can dragon puns be used in marketing or advertising?
A: Absolutely! Dragon puns can add a fun and engaging element to marketing campaigns, especially for products or services related to fantasy, gaming, or children’s entertainment.

Q5: What’s the best occasion to use a dragon pun?
A: Dragon puns are perfect for fantasy-themed parties, gaming events, or any casual conversation where you want to add a bit of humor and whimsy.

Q6: Are there different types of dragon puns?
A: Yes, dragon puns can be based on different aspects of dragons, such as their fire-breathing abilities, their love of gold, or their physical characteristics.

Q7: Should I use dragon puns in formal settings?
A: While dragon puns are generally lighthearted, it’s best to avoid using them in formal or professional contexts where they might be seen as inappropriate.

Q8: How can I make my dragon puns more creative?
A: Try incorporating current events, popular culture references, or personal experiences into your dragon puns to make them more unique and relatable.

Q9: Can dragon puns be offensive?
A: It’s unlikely for dragon puns to be offensive, as they are typically harmless wordplay. However, always consider your audience and avoid puns that could be misconstrued as insensitive.

Q10: Where can I find more dragon puns?
A: Aside from this amazing list, you can find dragon puns in joke books, online forums, and social media groups dedicated to puns and wordplay.


We’ve reached the end of our fiery flight through the landscape of dragon puns. Hopefully, you’ve been thoroughly entertained and are now armed with a hoard of jokes to share with friends and family. Whether you’re a fan of fantasy, a lover of wordplay, or just someone who appreciates a good laugh, dragon puns offer a scaletacular path to lighthearted enjoyment. So, let your sense of humor take wing and spread the fire of laughter far and wide!

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