Choosing the perfect name for your horse is a big decision. It’s not just about finding something that sounds nice; it’s about capturing their personality, their spirit, and maybe even adding a touch of humor. If you’re looking for a name that will get a chuckle and stand out from the herd, you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to explore a stable full of funny horse names that will have you neigh-ing with laughter!

Punny Names Based on Horse Characteristics

Let’s kick things off with names that play on the unique traits and characteristics of horses. These names are perfect for horses with a quirky personality or a distinctive look.

Here are some punny names based on horse characteristics:

  1. Hay Girl Hay
  2. Sir Neighs-a-Lot
  3. Hoof Hearted
  4. Mane Event
  5. Shear Khan
  6. The Neigh-borhood Bully
  7. Unstable Table
  8. Hoofin’ it
  9. Hay Fever
  10. Neigh Sayer
  11. Neighthan
  12. Alfalfa Romeo
  13. Pony Bologna
  14. Neighked and Afraid
  15. Stable Genius
  16. Hoofington Post
  17. Neighl Armstrong
  18. Stable Manners
  19. Mane Attraction
  20. Hoof Prince
  21. Trot Pocket
  22. My Little Phony
  23. Giddy Upido
  24. Clip Clop Chop
  25. Horseradish
  26. Hay-Z
  27. Blanket Statement
  28. Rein or Shine
  29. Mane Frame
  30. The Dark Horse
  31. Hay Stack Lightning
  32. Prance Charming
  33. Hoof Loose
  34. Glue Factory Reject
  35. Stirrup Trouble!
  36. Trotting to Conclusion
  37. Horseshoes of the Damned
  38. Pony Express Yourself
  39. Neigh Time Soon
  40. Saddle-ly

Food names are always a hit! These names are ideal for horses with a sweet disposition or a healthy appetite.

Here are some puns related to food for horses:

  1. Apple Bottom Jeans
  2. Hayzelnut
  3. Oats So Good
  4. Carrot Top
  5. Sugar Cube
  6. Alfalfa Sprouts
  7. Pony Pepperoni
  8. Hay-gar Flavored Icecream
  9. Hoof Burger
  10. Neighples
  11. Hay-lstorm
  12. Hay-Ho Cake
  13. Hay-nilla Ice
  14. Hay-BQ Sauce
  15. Oatstanding
  16. Mint Julep
  17. Giddy Up Guacamole
  18. Burri-toe
  19. Chip’n Dale
  20. Hay-r Conditioner
  21. Corn on the Hoof
  22. Sir Loin
  23. Huckleberry Finn
  24. Hors d’oeuvre
  25. Peanut Butter Stallion
  26. Bran Muffin
  27. Barley Legal
  28. Cinnabun
  29. Fig Newton
  30. Peach Cobbler
  31. Jelly Roll
  32. Hay-gar Bomb
  33. Butterscotch
  34. Tater Trot
  35. Moon Pie
  36. Snicker Neighs
  37. Hay-O’s
  38. Candy Neigh
  39. Graham Cracker
  40. Hay-lapeño

Names Inspired by Famous Horse Movies and Shows

If you’re a movie buff or a TV show fanatic, these names are a fun way to pay homage to your favorite equestrian characters.

Here’s a list of names from horse movies and shows:

  1. Secretariat Sauce
  2. Black Stallionion Rings
  3. Fury Road
  4. Hidalgo Hustle
  5. Seabiscuit Gravy
  6. War Horsepower
  7. Spirit Untamed
  8. Mr. Ed Sheeran
  9. Flicka da Wrist
  10. Buttercup(cake)
  11. National Velvet Elvis
  12. Silver Bullet
  13. The Horse Whisperer
  14. Buckaroo Banzai
  15. Artax Attack
  16. Pegasus Parade
  17. Bill Neigh the Science Guy
  18. Trigger Treat
  19. Lightning Bolt
  20. The Lone Ranger
  21. Zorro’s Steed
  22. Rocinante Rolls
  23. Babieca Bump
  24. Bucephalus Bounces
  25. Copenhagen Chew
  26. Domino’s Pizza
  27. Gunsmoke and Mirrors
  28. Pilgrim’s Progress
  29. Joey Ramone
  30. Black Beauty Queen
  31. Pegasus Ponzi
  32. Fury Five
  33. Hidalgo Habits
  34. Seabiscuit Casserole
  35. War Horseplay
  36. Spirit Airlines
  37. Mr. Edible Arrangement
  38. Flicka Flick
  39. Butter Pecan
  40. National Velveteen Elvis

These names play on the various colors of horses, adding a clever twist to their coat.

Here are some Color Related Puns:

  1. Fifty Shades of Hay
  2. Grey’s Anatomy
  3. Black Eyed Pleas
  4. Blue Horsyclops
  5. Red Rumor
  6. White Lightning
  7. Brown Trouser
  8. Chestnut Pyle
  9. Golden Grahams
  10. Roan Zone
  11. Silver Fox Trot
  12. Palomino Paradise
  13. Dapple Grey Matters
  14. Buckskin Bandit
  15. Dun Deal
  16. Baywatch
  17. Liver Chestnut
  18. Cremello Crumbles
  19. Perlino Pie
  20. Champagne Bubbles
  21. Sooty Buckskin
  22. Brindle Breeze
  23. Apricot Adventure
  24. Chocolate Chip
  25. Steel Grey
  26. Amber Alert
  27. Charcoal Challenge
  28. Copper Kettle
  29. Ebony Essence
  30. Fawn Frolic
  31. Glacier Glider
  32. Hazelnut Hullabaloo
  33. Indigo Illusion
  34. Jade Journey
  35. Khaki Kick
  36. Lavender Lullaby
  37. Mahogany Magic
  38. Navy Navigator
  39. Olive Oasis
  40. Peach Paradise

For horses with rhythm and a love for galloping to the beat, these music-inspired names strike just the right chord.

Here are some funny puns related to music:

  1. Haydn’ Seek
  2. Mozartini
  3. Beethoven’s Five-Finger-Discount
  4. Bach to the Future
  5. Elvis Parsley
  6. Johnny Cash Cow
  7. Fleetwood Macaroni
  8. Bruce Springstinian
  9. Eminem and Cheese
  10. The Rolling Stones
  11. Haylor Swift
  12. Justin Timberhoof
  13. Neigh-all Horan
  14. Dolly Parton My French Fries
  15. Garth Brookes and Dunn
  16. Kenny Chesneigh
  17. Carrie Underhoof
  18. Luke Combs and Brushes
  19. Blake Stallion
  20. Miranda Lambertini
  21. Maren Morris Code
  22. Thomas Rhett Butler
  23. Old Dominionion Pizza
  24. Sam Hunt and Peck
  25. Kane Brownie Points
  26. Kacey Musgravesite
  27. Chris Stableton
  28. Dierks Bentley Continental
  29. Keith Urban Legend
  30. Eric Church’s Chicken
  31. Little Big Stallion
  32. Midland Midterm
  33. Brothers Osborne
  34. Zac Brown Jug Band
  35. Dan + Shay Given
  36. Florida Georgia Line Dance
  37. Luke Bryan Adams
  38. Jason Aldean Machine
  39. Cole Swindle Stick
  40. Dustin Lynch Mob

Does your horse have a particular skill or a knack for certain activities? These occupation-themed names might be the perfect fit!

Here is a list of puns related to profession:

  1. Dr. Neigh
  2. Attorney at Trot
  3. Chef de Horse
  4. Accountantable
  5. Astronomeigh
  6. Architectonic
  7. Barista Best
  8. Biologiste
  9. Carpenter Carrot
  10. Cashier Canter
  11. Chemist Chestnut
  12. Coach Clydesdale
  13. Conductor Colt
  14. Consultant Courier
  15. Counselor Cob
  16. Designer Draft
  17. Diplomat Donkey
  18. Editor Equestrian
  19. Engineer Equine
  20. Farmer Foal
  21. Firefighter Filly
  22. Gardener Gelding
  23. Geographer Gypsy
  24. Historian Hackney
  25. Inspector Icelandic
  26. Intern Irish
  27. Investigator Italian
  28. Journalist Jack
  29. Judge Judgement
  30. Lawyer Lusitano
  31. Librarian Lippizan
  32. Manager Mustang
  33. Mechanic Morgan
  34. Musician Mule
  35. Nurse Norwegian
  36. Operator Orlov
  37. Painter Pinto
  38. Pharmacist Pony
  39. Pilot Palfrey
  40. Professor Percheron

For athletic horses that love to run and jump, these sports-themed names add a playful touch.

Here is a list of names related to Sports:

  1. Hoofball Hero
  2. Polo Pony Express
  3. Jumping Jolt
  4. Dancer Delights
  5. Runner Rapidity
  6. Sprinter Spree
  7. Galloper Glee
  8. Trotter Triumph
  9. Canterer Cheer
  10. Paver Power
  11. Jogger Joy
  12. Skipper Swagger
  13. Rider Rhapsody
  14. Mover Moxie
  15. Stepper Starlight
  16. Slider Slick
  17. Swimmer Swank
  18. Flyer Flair
  19. Racer Razzle
  20. Chaser Charm
  21. Jumper Jubilee
  22. Vaulter Vogue
  23. Equator Energy
  24. Equestrian Estate
  25. Reiner Reverie
  26. Dressager Dazzle
  27. Hiver Hauteur
  28. Courbette Courage
  29. Levade Luxe
  30. Piaffe Panache
  31. Passage Plush
  32. Pirouette Pride
  33. Allegro Allure
  34. Andante Ace
  35. Bravado Ballet
  36. Cavalcade Canvas
  37. Chanson Chance
  38. Dolce Dazzler
  39. Espoir Empire
  40. Finale Fortune

Names That Are From Literature

These names are for the intellectuals! Horses can be incredibly smart, and they can be named after famous characters in literature.

Here is a list of puns related to literature:

  1. Equus Rex
  2. Trojan Horsepower
  3. Black Beauty and the Beast
  4. War Horse and Peace
  5. Seabiscuit and Prejudice
  6. Hidalgo and Seek
  7. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
  8. Fury and the Sound
  9. Flicka and the Furious
  10. Buttercup and the Brute
  11. National Velvet Underground
  12. Silver Linings Playbook
  13. The Horse Whisperer in the Rye
  14. Buckaroo Banzai Pipeline
  15. Artax and Crafts
  16. Pegasus and the City
  17. Bill Neigh-t Train to Georgia
  18. Trigger Happy Gilmore
  19. Lightning Thief of Baghdad
  20. Lone Ranger and Tonto
  21. Zorro and the Chocolate Factory
  22. Rocinante and Juliet
  23. Babieca and the Seven Dwarfs
  24. Bucephalus and Beavis
  25. Copenhagen and Snuff
  26. Domino and Julia
  27. Gunsmoke and Champagne
  28. Pilgrim and the Promised Land
  29. Joey and the Pussycat
  30. Black Beauty and the Black Sea
  31. Pegasus and the Penguin
  32. Fury and the Flounder
  33. Hidalgo and the Hound
  34. Seabiscuit and the Salmon
  35. War Horse and the Walrus
  36. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
  37. Mr. Ed and the Eagle
  38. Flicka and the Fox
  39. Buttercup and the Butterfly
  40. National Velvet and the Volcano

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Funny Horse Names

  • Why choose a funny name for my horse?

Using a funny name can be a great way to show off your horse’s personality and bring a smile to people’s faces. It can also be a fun conversation starter at the barn or at competitions.

  • Are there any rules about naming horses?

While there aren’t strict rules, some breed registries have guidelines, such as limiting the number of characters or avoiding offensive names. It’s a good idea to check with your specific registry if your horse is registered.

  • How do I make sure my horse responds to a funny name?

Use the name consistently from day one, and associate it with positive experiences like feeding, grooming, and riding. Horses are smart and will quickly learn to recognize their name, no matter how silly it sounds.

  • What if my horse doesn’t seem to “fit” the funny name I chose?

Sometimes, a name sounds great in theory but doesn’t quite suit the horse. Don’t be afraid to change it! Just be consistent with the new name to avoid confusing your horse.

  • Can a funny name be used in professional competitions?

Yes, absolutely! While some people might prefer more traditional names for competition, there’s no rule against using a funny name. It can even make your horse more memorable to judges and spectators.

  • Should I consider my horse’s breed when choosing a name?

While not essential, you can draw inspiration from your horse’s breed. For example, a name playing on Irish folklore could be fun for an Irish Draught.

  • How important is it to avoid offensive or inappropriate names?

Very important. Always choose a name that is respectful and considerate. Avoid anything that could be seen as discriminatory or offensive to others.

  • What if someone else already has the same funny name?

It’s not uncommon! If you’re not registering the name, it’s perfectly fine to use it. If you’re registering, the registry will let you know if the name is already taken.

  • Can I change my horse’s registered name?

Yes, most breed registries allow you to change a horse’s registered name, although there may be a fee involved.

  • How do I come up with a truly original funny name?

Combine your interests, your horse’s personality, and wordplay. Think about your favorite foods, movies, or hobbies, and try to incorporate horse-related puns. The more personal the name, the more unique it will be!


Choosing a funny name for your horse is a chance to let your creativity shine and add a bit of joy to your equestrian life. Whether you go for a food-related pun, a pop culture reference, or a play on words, the perfect name is out there waiting to be discovered. So, take your time, have fun with it, and enjoy the process of finding a name that will make you and everyone around you smile. Happy naming!

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