Picture this: you’re stuck in a long meeting, waiting in line at the grocery store, or just need a quick pick-me-up. What’s the perfect antidote? A good laugh! And what better way to achieve that than with some cleverly crafted puns? Today, we’re diving headfirst into the delightful world of purse puns – those witty, often groan-worthy, plays on words that can instantly brighten your day. So get ready to clutch your sides (pun intended!), because we’re about to unleash a plethora of puns that are guaranteed to make you smile.

Handbag Hilarity

Let’s start with the basics: the handbag. These trusty companions carry our lives, whether it’s makeup, wallets, or the occasional emergency snack. It’s only fitting that they’re also a source of endless pun-tential.

Here are a few reasons to use a handbag: they keep your items easily accessible, act as a style statement, and always provide a good pun basis!

  1. I’m not being purse-uasive, but you need to hear these puns.
  2. I’m totally handbagging this job!
  3. She’s really bagging all the attention!
  4. My handbag is my bag of tricks.
  5. I’m head over heels for my new handbag. It’s my bag obsession.
  6. I’m really struggling with all of these puns. I need a moment to re-bag-ulate.
  7. That handbag is a real steal for just $20.
  8. This handbag? Oh, I got it for a (small) bag-atelle.
  9. A handbag can add a certain je ne sais quoi to an outfit – it’s the cherry on top, or the bag-uette.
  10. I am hoping that this bag will help me carry my groceries.
  11. This bag is great for storage, it helps me carry on!
  12. I’m so happy that I have this bag, It really carries me through the day
  13. I feel so unburdened without this bag.
  14. I am really carrying on through school with my bag.
  15. Thanks to this heavy bag, I can finally say I go to the gym regularly.
  16. I am glad that I have my bag.
  17. The bag is going to come with me and my daughter.
  18. I’m not sure what the price of the bag is, but I think it’s really a steal.
  19. I’m going to keep this bag for the next 10 years.
  20. I am so happy that the bag is finally for sale
  21. I finally got the bag, my bucket list is complete
  22. I finally got the bag that I’ve always dreamed of.
  23. Even though the bag is black, it has rainbow glitter all over.
  24. I found that the bag is not as useful as I thought
  25. They should make a new bag brand called “Baggy”
  26. I hope that the bag will fit the items that I have
  27. I bought the “Baggy” bag a few days ago!
  28. I can barely fit any items in this bag.
  29. How come the bags are so small these days!
  30. I am so fortunate to be able to afford this bag.
  31. This bag looks so good, it makes my outfit look better.
  32. Do you think the bag will fit?
  33. I hope that I can find the bag one day.
  34. The bag will fit just fine in your locker.
  35. My bag is very heavy today!
  36. I am sure the bag will last at least 10 years before it breaks
  37. I will buy the bag next week, I hope it’s still there!
  38. My goal is to afford the bag.
  39. The bag is not heavy, it is lightweight.
  40. You should get this bag, It is a lifesaver.

Wallet Wonders

What do you keep in your handbag? Your wallet, of course! Here are some puns celebrating these pocket-sized money holders.

Wallets help keep your money organized, keep important cards in place, and can be made of many different styles and colors that make it a unique item for any person.

  1. Don’t go wallet-ing around! Come listen to these money puns!
  2. I’m feeling a bit wallet-confused, but let’s go on!
  3. Is your wallet feeling wallet-n-fine?
  4. The wallet is definitely not in my budget!
  5. I’m losing all my money! This is wallet-erly unacceptable!
  6. My wallet’s getting too big. It’s time for a wallet-reduction.
  7. Don’t lose your receipts, or you might wallet the day!
  8. I’m feeling flush! My wallet is a thing of beauty.
  9. With the way my budget is going, I can’t wallet for a day.
  10. I wallet go shopping soon.
  11. I am not sure where my wallet is.
  12. Don’t wallet when it breaks.
  13. I am sure anyone can buy this wallet.
  14. I am not even sure if I can wallet this wallet.
  15. Do you think I should wallet this?
  16. Let me wallet this purchase for you.
  17. I will wallet this for you.
  18. I can wallet it for you.
  19. I can wallet this for free.
  20. This wallet, wallets for all!
  21. The wallet is not for walleting.
  22. This wallet is not walletable!
  23. I am not sure if it’s walletable.
  24. The wallet can’t wallet.
  25. Wallet or no wallet?
  26. I am not sure, it is wallet time.
  27. Wallet what.
  28. I will get this wallet.
  29. Make sure you wallet this.
  30. It’s wallet time!
  31. Is it walletable or not?
  32. You can wallet me the money here.
  33. Is my wallet still wallet?
  34. I think my wallet won’t wallet.
  35. My wallet is not going to wallet.
  36. I can’t wallet to hear what you say.
  37. This wallet is great!
  38. You can wallet to your purchase.
  39. You must wallet this.
  40. Make sure you wallet to your mom.

Clutch Comedy

A clutch is the perfect accessory for a night out. Small, stylish, and just big enough to hold the essentials, clutches have earned their place in the pun spotlight.

Clutches are perfect for parties, dinners, galas, and other events. These items can be carried without trouble, and they can be matched with any outfit you have!

  1. These clutch puns will have you in stitches.
  2. I am sure it’s clutch that you are looking at my outfit.
  3. It’s crunch time, but please laugh with me.
  4. Have a clutch conversation about that pun!
  5. I’m such a clutch for those punchlines?
  6. I’m just clutch-ing at straws with these puns!
  7. It’s a clutch-al decision – which purse to buy?
  8. This clutch bag is clutch.
  9. What a clutch!
  10. It is clutch to have a clutch.
  11. A clutch can save the day!
  12. I feel like buying a clutch.
  13. I saw a clutch for sale
  14. The clutch is very stylish
  15. That is a clutch bag!
  16. Do clutches help?
  17. Is the clutch worth it?
  18. You should buy a clutch!
  19. I went to the Gala with a clutch.
  20. What is a clutch actually?
  21. A clutch saves my life.
  22. My clutch is very expensive
  23. I will replace this clutch for another clutch
  24. I am really loving this clutch
  25. I can wear a party with my clutch!
  26. This clutch does not hold anything.
  27. I am going to go to the meeting with my clutch.
  28. The clutch won me over to buy!
  29. The clutch is too small!
  30. The clutch is too big!
  31. The clutch won’t work!
  32. The clutch is bad!
  33. Don’t clutch!
  34. I won’t clutch!
  35. That clutch is wonderful!
  36. I wonder if they sell clutches here.
  37. Clutches!
  38. Clutches are really in style these days!
  39. You have great clutches!
  40. What a clutch!

Totes Awesome Humor

Tote bags are the workhorses of the purse family. Big, sturdy, and always ready for action, they deserve their moment in the comedic sun.

Tote bags hold many items at once, and are typically carried to grocery stores, book stores, or even work. These bags are reusable, and come in many colors and forms, making them a fun way to replace plastic bags at any place that you’re going to!

  1. These puns are tote-ally amazing.
  2. I tote-ally agree with you.
  3. I can now exclaim that tote is me!
  4. I’d tote-ally pick you to assist me.
  5. Youre tote-ally invited!
  6. I tote-ally love your outfit.
  7. The tote bags are so fun to wear
  8. I go to the library with my tote
  9. I think tote bags are a tote-saver.
  10. Tote!
  11. Buy a tote!
  12. I tote will buy this tote.
  13. They should call these totes tote-er.
  14. Yes, toter!
  15. Toters are awesome
  16. Don’t tote to me
  17. A tote is good for me
  18. Do you have a tote?
  19. I can’t tote anything
  20. What is a tote?
  21. I love totes
  22. Great totes here!
  23. Good totes ahead
  24. Wonderful totes, I love it
  25. Tote bags are very fun
  26. Totes for all!
  27. Totes for sale
  28. Totes are reusable
  29. I’m very happy wth these totes
  30. My totes have great patterns.
  31. You should get a tote
  32. Let’s go get totes
  33. You are totel.
  34. Is this tote?
  35. My tote is getting worn out.
  36. You need totes to carry items
  37. Toters are great!
  38. Carry totes!
  39. Buy totes and carry more!
  40. Totes!

Coin Purse Comedy

Let’s not forget the humble coin purse! These little guys keep our loose change in check, and even they deserve a bit of pun-ishment.

Coin purses are small, fit only coins, and can be perfect for keeping spare change on you without having to carry around the entire wallet!

  1. Let’s talk about things you can buy, but need even more money for: coin puns.
  2. I am sure these puns won’t cost a “pretty penny”!
  3. Let me collect the best puns here!
  4. Penny for your thoughts of my outfit!
  5. Do you agree with these puns?
  6. I’m coin-fused as to whether these jokes are funny to you, but I hope they are!
  7. Don’t be koi-n about these plays.
  8. A co-in-cidence that you are still here.
  9. Let’s join co-in-joined to laugh at these puns.
  10. These puns are the co-inest!
  11. Get a coin purse!
  12. A coin purse is great.
  13. Get all coins!
  14. Let’s use a coin.
  15. You are a coin!
  16. What? No coins!
  17. A coin for a sale
  18. A coin to pay
  19. My coin is not working
  20. What coin is this?
  21. Let me see your coin
  22. Are you a coin to me?
  23. Wow, they are coins
  24. Let’s buy things for coins.
  25. I’ll give you a coin for that.
  26. The best coins in history were kept inside coin bags.
  27. I have no money, but I have coins!
  28. I can only pay in coins.
  29. You’re my lucky coin!
  30. Is this coin special?
  31. This is the best coin right here!
  32. I think the coin will be great.
  33. You can’t pay with this coin.
  34. The coin is too dirty.
  35. You should pay using coin purse.
  36. The coin can be reused
  37. Coins galore.
  38. I am not a fan of coins.
  39. This coin purse is fun!
  40. Coins save the day

Backpack Buffoonery

While not technically purses, backpacks are essential carriers, especially for students and travelers. Let’s give them their pun due.

Backpacks will allow for lots of items, and you can carry more stuff than any normal purse! These help for outdoor activities, travel, work, and school!

  1. These puns are better backpack up.
  2. The backpack is really backpact.
  3. You look cute, backpattern.
  4. These puns deserve to backpat.
  5. Get a backpack!
  6. You should get a backpack.
  7. Backpack to university
  8. I can’t pack a backpack
  9. The backpacks are awesome to pack.
  10. What backpack were you looking for?
  11. You are the backpack.
  12. I need a backpack.
  13. My backpack!
  14. The best packs.
  15. Yes, pack that.
  16. Look at the packs.
  17. Put the packs inside.
  18. You could get a backpack.
  19. Backpacks is the best.
  20. No packs!
  21. What packs?
  22. The packs here are great!
  23. I love these packs!
  24. Pack it up.
  25. Get that pack.
  26. Open the pack
  27. Check the packs.
  28. What? Packs!
  29. I packed the packs.
  30. You did the best packs.
  31. Do backpacks?
  32. The backpack broke!
  33. Get it back!
  34. I’m packing up!
  35. Why packs?
  36. Packs for sale!
  37. Packs are reusable!
  38. Packs are fun!
  39. Backpack is the best bag.
  40. Backpacks are a saver.

Accessorizing Antics

Purses are all about accessories, right? So let’s throw in some general accessorizing puns for good measure.

Purses have many accessories that help them, such as keychains, straps, charms, or even wallets. These accessories are just as important as the purse itself!

  1. These puns are really my ac-chieves-ory.
  2. You did great, ac-she-ves-ory.
  3. Aces-she-ves-ory do!
  4. These puns are as ace as they can get!
  5. Access it yourself!
  6. More ace?
  7. Just aces here.
  8. Are you aces?
  9. Ace it now!
  10. Aces! Aces! Aces!
  11. Aces aces all across!
  12. More aces coming.
  13. That is an ace style.
  14. You look aces tonight.
  15. Wear aces.
  16. You are aces.
  17. Wear the aces.
  18. Great aces around.
  19. What aces?
  20. Acces yourself!
  21. Do the acces!
  22. You must access the item.
  23. More aces to go.
  24. I can aces the item.
  25. Get aces only.
  26. You are a set of acces!
  27. That is acces!
  28. Great acessories here!
  29. The acessories are fun to wear.
  30. My new acessories!
  31. Acces with us!
  32. You can ace it.
  33. It’s time for acces!
  34. What about the aces?
  35. Aces!
  36. It’s aces, don’t worry!
  37. My acessories are falling apart, it’s not aces!
  38. Your accessories are aces.
  39. I love the collection of acessories.
  40. Let’s aces it!

Fashion Flubs

Last but not least, let’s make some fashion puns that fit for any moment!

Accessories help amplify the look, and will make the whole style unique and new, depending on the choice that any person picks! These puns will highlight that!

  1. I love your out-fit!
  2. I am a fan of out-fitters.
  3. You could fit it!
  4. I want that fitting dress.
  5. That is a fit dress for me.
  6. Make a dress fit.
  7. No fit.
  8. What fit?
  9. I need a fit.
  10. I should buy an outfit.
  11. Wear an outfit today.
  12. Time to outfit.
  13. Don’t out-fit me!
  14. I want to be fitted in an outfit.
  15. You are the outfit.
  16. You are the outfit queen
  17. Style an outfit.
  18. Rate the outfit.
  19. I love this outfit.
  20. Don’t wear outfits.
  21. Outfits will last forever!
  22. Outfits are bad
  23. This outfit, good luck!
  24. Wear an outfit every day
  25. You should change into an outfit.
  26. You can wear an outfit fit for you only/
  27. What outfits do you have on today?
  28. I am a fan of today’s outfit.
  29. It’s outfit day today.
  30. Do you have any outfits?
  31. If yes, please show me your outfits!
  32. I want to see your outfits.
  33. Please out-fit a new item for me.
  34. Show me your outfits today
  35. I didn’t want to outfit today
  36. How can I outfit better?
  37. I like your oufits
  38. Don’t ever out-fit me!
  39. Show me the outfits.
  40. Outfits!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Got more questions about puns in general? We’ve got answers!

Question Answer
What makes a good pun? A good pun should be clever, unexpected, and relate closely to the subject matter. The best puns often have a double meaning or a surprising twist. Also, don’t overthink it and just say it out loud!
Why are puns so popular? Puns are a form of wordplay that can elicit humor and amusement. They’re also a fun way to engage with language and make connections between different concepts.
How can I come up with my own puns? Start by brainstorming words related to your topic, then look for words that sound similar or have multiple meanings. Play around with different combinations until you find something funny.
Are puns considered “good” humor? Humor is subjective, but puns are a widely appreciated form of wit. Some people love them, while others groan, but they almost always get a reaction.
Where can I use puns? Puns can be used in casual conversation, social media posts, presentations, greeting cards, and even marketing materials. Anywhere you want to add a touch of humor!
Is there a “right” or “wrong” way to use puns? The key is to use them appropriately and sparingly. Too many puns can become tiresome, so it’s best to use them strategically for maximum impact. Also, know your audience!
How do I know if my pun is any good? Test it out on a friend or family member! If they laugh (or at least chuckle), you’re on the right track.
Can puns be used in professional settings? Yes, but use them judiciously. A well-placed pun can lighten the mood and make you more memorable, but avoid using them in overly serious or formal situations.
What if people don’t get my pun? Don’t take it personally! Humor is subjective, and not everyone will appreciate every pun. Just move on and try another one.
Are there different types of puns? Yes! There are homophonic puns (using words that sound alike), homographic puns (using words that are spelled alike), and compound puns (combining multiple puns in one).


We’ve reached the end of our pun-tastic journey, and hopefully, you’re now armed with a plethora of purse puns to brighten your day and amuse your friends. Puns, while sometimes silly, are a testament to the creativity and playfulness of language. So go forth, embrace the pun, and remember, a little bit of laughter can go a long way. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to…bag some groceries and maybe invent a few more puns while I’m at it!

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