Colonoscopies aren’t generally considered a laughing matter. But, let’s face it, sometimes you just need a little humor to lighten things up. If you’re preparing for a colonoscopy, or know someone who is, a few well-placed colonoscopy jokes can be a welcome distraction. After all, laughter is the best medicine (after the prep, of course!). Get ready for a dose of intestinal hilarity, because we’re about to explore the surprisingly funny world of colonoscopy puns!

Puns About the Procedure

We’ll kick things off by using the procedure itself as fuel for some funny lines. Sometimes you just need to make light of the, ahem, invasive nature of the exam!

  1. Why did the colonoscopy tech bring a ladder? Because they heard the patient had some high colonic pressure!
  2. I told my doctor I was nervous about my colonoscopy. He said, “Don’t worry, it’s all behind you.”
  3. What did the digestive system say to the doctor during the colonoscopy? “Hey, I’ve got a personal probe session going on in here now.”
  4. Anyone know why the patient started singing during his colonoscopy? He was feeling pretty upbeat!
  5. Do you know what the proctologist was singing? “I saw the sign”.
  6. The colonoscopy went so smoothly, it was truly an end-to-end experience!
  7. What do you call a colonoscopy that happens at the beach? A shore thing.
  8. Why do they call a polyp removal a “snipping fee” when they could call it a “bottoms up saving”?
  9. The doctor was a real pro during my colonoscopy; it was seamless and efficient. You could say he had great proctology skills!
  10. Why was the doctor so calm before the colonoscopy? He knew he had everything under control.
  11. Why was the waiting room so quiet ahead of the colonoscopies? Everyone was full of anticipation.
  12. I heard the colonoscopy prep is a real cleanse-and-desist order for your bowels. Funny idea.
  13. Colonoscopies are my cup of tea, except instead of tea, it’s a gallon of prep solution and instead of a cup, it’s just a bad time.
  14. I am really close to my colonoscopist, but I still feel there is some distance!
  15. Colonoscopies remind me so much about my school, the only difference is that instead of getting knowledge in the brain, there is a tube down there.
  16. Colonoscopies are one of the best ways to celebrate a colon!
  17. What do you call a happy colon? Jolly Colon
  18. Colon what you see.
  19. Sometimes colonoscopies are fun, sometimes not; It all depends.
  20. My advice? Colon and conquer.
  21. Did you hear about the colonoscopy that went on forever? It was never ending.
  22. Why was the colonoscopy patient so good at poker post-procedure? Because they could bluff with a straight face, even after clearing out!
  23. Why did the colonoscopy tech win an award? They had outstanding performance in endoscopy!
  24. I was feeling pretty upbeat after getting my colonoscopy done.
  25. What do you call a well-explained colonoscopy procedure? A clear case of colon-ication!
  26. Why did the surgeon bring musical instrument along at the colonoscopy? To give the colon a tune up!
  27. I did so well at the colonoscopy, I am colon-el of the army now.
  28. When I went to the colonoscopies, I felt like I could colon-ize the world.
  29. What do you call a colonoscopy office that’s always busy? A high-traffic rektum!
  30. Why I got through the colonoscopy successfully? My doctor knew every nook and colon-y.
  31. My doctor knew how to colon-ate so much about colonoscopies.
  32. Want to learn about colonoscopies? All you have to do is to colon our office and we will show you.
  33. I did everything my doctor said at the colonoscopy, so he colon-gratulate me at the end.

Puns About Bowel Prep

The bowel prep nobody likes. Let’s make some jokes to soften the reality.

  1. I tried to skip the bowel prep, but my doctor said it was non-negotiable. Guess I had to face the fecal consequences.
  2. Bowel prep: turning adults into babies, one gallon of liquid at a time.
  3. You know, the only nice thing about bowl prep are the trips to the bathroom.
  4. Why did the toilet paper win an award? Because of its supporting role during bowel prep!
  5. What do you call a bowel movement that’s on a tight schedule? Constrained!
  6. I feel empty after bowel prep, it is indeed an holloween.
  7. What did the faucet say to the running water during bowel prep? “You gotta go, go, go!”
  8. Why did the patient bring a book to the bathroom during bowel prep? They wanted to turn a new page!
  9. Why did the patient thank the bowel prep solution? Because it gave them the runs!
  10. What happened when the patient was in the bathroom during bowel prep and forgot the toilet paper? Well, it was a crappy situation to be is.
  11. My colon is as clean as a whistle, thanks to the bowel prep.
  12. I am going to call the bathroom ‘My Zone’, during the bowel prep days.
  13. I went to the bathroom 10 times from bowel prep, I must need to rename the place, perhaps the ‘Run-Way’.
  14. In our house, we call the bathroom the ‘Evacuation Station’!
  15. Bowel prep brings a whole new meaning to the term “liquid assets.”
  16. My tummy is going crazy.
  17. Bowel prep is like spring cleaning your pipes.
  18. I am definitely going to get a promotion at work.
  19. Bowel prep is really the time to reflect and meditate when in the bathroom.
  20. Nothing like a good day in the bathroom, I can finally colonize my tummy today.
  21. Bowel prep, more like vowel prep.
  22. It’s impossible to relax.
  23. Why did the bowel prep get a bad name? It was all washed up!
  24. Bowel prep reminds me of when my tummy is empty.
  25. Bowel prep, more like cruel prep.
  26. What did the poop say to the bowel prep, take a hike!
  27. I’m not sure exactly how to spell all of those new words I learned.
  28. What did the patient say when the bowel prep finally worked? “At last, my bowels have spoken!”
  29. Why did the patient name their toilet ‘Therapist’? Because it listened to all their potty problems during bowel prep!
  30. Why don’t they offer frequent flushes during bowel prep? They could call it the “Frequent Boweler” program!
  31. What did the poop say to the person during bowel prep? “We’ll catch you later!”
  32. What do you call the kind of song that’s sung in the bathroom? Toilet tune
  33. Why can’t you hear a pterdactyl in the bathroom? Because the p is silent!
  34. Why was the man always constipated? He had a block party in his colon!
  35. Why did the guy run so fast? He had the runs!

Puns About Polypes

These little growths can be a cause of concern, but humor can help put them into perspective. If you are interested in what polypls are, you should ask your dietician or your gastroenterologist to get more information.

  1. I told my polyp it had to go. It didn’t argue; it knew it had reached its final destination.
  2. A polyp walked into a bar… but left because it wasn’t feeling well. Turns out it was a malignant mixer.
  3. What do you call two polyps on a date? A growing romance.
  4. Why couldn’t the polyp hold a job? It just couldn’t commit to staying in one place.
  5. Polyp wanna cracker? Or maybe just get removed.
  6. I just told my colon polyp to get a life.
  7. What do you call a colon polyp that wants to be president? The colon-el!
  8. When you go to get polyps removed is a good day to colon-brate!
  9. Why did the detective ask the colon polyp so many questions? Turns out it had a lot of internal secrets!
  10. Why did the colon polyp get an award? Because of its out-standing performance.
  11. I tried to make friends with a colon polyp, but he did not like me – what’s your take on this?
  12. I have a lot knowledge about these.
  13. I feel polyps in my tummy.
  14. Feeling polyp is a funny idea, haha.
  15. Feeling funny? Maybe you are getting a polyp or maybe a heart attack!
  16. What’s common? That I love polyps!
  17. People that love polyps!
  18. It’s so hard to relax!
  19. My polyp always tells me it’s time to polyp-sh my shoes!
  20. I need to clean out my polyp.
  21. I polyp out all the time.
  22. Why was the polyp feeling festive? Because it was polyping with joy!
  23. What do you call a polite polyp? A well-mannered growth!
  24. Why did the patient start a band after polyp removal? Because they wanted to make their own colon-ies of music!
  25. Why did the doctor tell the polyp a joke? To lighten the mood before their snipping session!
  26. What the polyps say? We gotta go guys!
  27. Why was the detective so curious towards the colon polyp? He was a real snoop in the group.
  28. Are the polyps feeling festive?
  29. What a polite polyp is called? A polyp that minds its Ps and Qs.
  30. Polyps are always happy, why are you so upset!
  31. Are the polyps the thing to be around!
  32. I can’t relax around the polyps and especially around the doctors.
  33. Why I always feel like I am having polyps when I get my colonoscopy? It definitely is a strange day!
  34. What are polyps? That’s a funny business, I am telling you!
  35. I think polyps are as funny as colonoscopies!

Puns About Doctors

Lighthearted ribbing about the professionals who guide us through this process is another way to add a touch of humor. Gastroenterologists are the experts when it comes to colon health.

  1. Why did the proctologist become a comedian? Because he had a lot of material to work with!
  2. My gastroenterologist has a great personality, and a good sense of humor for a bottom doctor.
  3. Why didn’t the colon believe the doctor? Because it thought he was full of it.
  4. Going to the doctor is the best since the proctologist said I need more fiber. Bottom line.
  5. My colon doctor is my most favorite person.
  6. What did the doctor say? Hey you gotta go!
  7. My proctologist keeps saying I need to wash my hands more.
  8. Why was the doctor so good in the show?
  9. Why did the patient bring a map to the doctor’s office? To find the route to their rear-view appointment.
  10. Why did people laugh at the proctologist? He had a quirky sense of humor.
  11. Proctologists like to party!
  12. My doctor always says the proctologists are always good.
  13. I definitely need guidance.
  14. I feel like I am on display.
  15. It’s so funny because the doctor keeps calling me all the time.
  16. It must be the right doctor.
  17. Why was the proctologist always calm? He had everything under the rear!
  18. What do you call a helpful proctologist? A real behind-the-scenes supporter!
  19. How do I know I have a great proctologists?
  20. My colon always hates me!
  21. My doctor does not care.
  22. I love the doctor.
  23. My doctor did not want me.
  24. Why did the doctor tell the colonoscopy patient a joke? Because laughter helps loosen things up!
  25. Why was the colonoscopy tech promoted from the doctor? They gave such great a-scope.
  26. My doctor colonize everywhere.
  27. My favorite doctor colonate always.
  28. What can I say is that my doctor is good.
  29. Why did the doctor bring a feather to the colonoscopy procedure? To tickle the patient’s funny bone!
  30. Did you hear about Doctor Who? More like Doctor You-Know-Who.
  31. Why did a doctor say the hospital has been losing patients? They can’t keep track of them.
  32. How many doctors it take to screw a light bulb? None, they do it automatically.
  33. What do you call a fake doctor? A fraud, you will find out soon.
  34. What do you call a doctor who fixes websites? Cure your site!
  35. Want to know what the best doctor is? A quack job!

Puns About Anesthesia

The twilight sleep can be another source of amusement. Here is how you can joke about it.

  1. I told the anesthesiologist I was afraid of needles. He said, “Don’t worry, this will be a shot in the dark.”
  2. Why did the anesthesia break up with the patient? It felt like they were drifting apart.
  3. Anesthesia, because sometimes you just need to tune out and let someone else take the wheel.
  4. I am always ready for good anesthesia!
  5. Anesthesia is my favorite.
  6. Anesthesia and anesthesia, that is me!
  7. What do you call? Always!
  8. What did the anesthesia tell the patient before the colonoscopy? “Prepare for a brief intermission!”
  9. What happened when the patient woke up from the anesthesia? It was a real “waker-upper” call!
  10. Anesthesia is always my top priority, what about you guys?
  11. If I was my anesthesia I will definitely choose that.
  12. Colonoscopies are safe.
  13. I just love the feeling of anesthesia, who is with me?
  14. I could not live without it.
  15. It is always on my mind!
  16. What the anesthesia tell the person that is under anesthesia?
  17. Anesthesia is so good. and the doctor is awesome
  18. It feels so funny to be under doctor’s care.
  19. Why did the patient thank the anesthesia after the colonoscopy? Because it was a “dreamy” experience!
  20. I am ready to be anesthesiazied now.
  21. Doctors are awesome.
  22. Why was the anesthesia always invited to the colonoscopy ceremonies? It brought out the best in everyone.
  23. Did you hear about the person who fell in love with anesthesia during the colonoscopy? It was a real anesthetic-tion.
  24. Anesthesia – you are my greatest hit.
  25. They want me to take a hike.
  26. I am not a patient!
  27. Why was the patient a little silly after waking up from anesthesia? Because they had “waken and bake!”
  28. Why anesthesia is also called Doctor Anesthesia?
  29. Who can tell me about anesthesia?
  30. Where can find Dr.Anesthesia
  31. What the doctors say about anesthesia?
  32. Why the anesthetized patient can’t tell the proctologist? Because P is silent.
  33. What did the anesthesia say before the show? This’s gonna be painless.
  34. What happens to the patient after the colonoscopy anesthesia? Coma to conclusion!
  35. What’s the funny thing about anesthesia? People getting knock out and wake up confused and funny.

Puns About Digestive Systems

The body part under discussion itself provides another great source of jokes. These puns usually do not talk about the stomach at all.

  1. My digestive system told me it needed a vacation. I said, “You deserve a break; you’ve been working your tail off.” Literally.
  2. Why did the digestive system start a band? Because it had all the right organs for ensemble playing.
  3. The digestive system is ready for colonoscopies, yay!
  4. Did you guys know the digestive system does not need more food.
  5. Everything that’s here.
  6. What, a digestive track?
  7. The digestive system just got a colonoscopy – it knows too now.
  8. The digestive system is so funny!
  9. Why did the detective ask the digestive system so many questions? It wanted to get to the bottom of the matter.
  10. The colon does not want it.
  11. Do I know the digestive system?
  12. I forgot.
  13. My digestion is always crazy.
  14. The colon ate it.
  15. It must be fine.
  16. You are so weird!
  17. My stomach.
  18. Help!
  19. What the digestive system said now?
  20. My digestive system does not exist.
  21. Doctors are always there for the digestive system during the colonoscopy.
  22. It is time.
  23. I am running late.
  24. I was just getting started.
  25. Why did the digestive system become a comedian? It already had plenty of inside jokes!
  26. Why was the digestive system feeling philosophical? It had a lot to process.
  27. Did my stomach just speak? My stomach is talking, telling me to take a hike!
  28. Can the colon talk?
  29. What did digestive systems do? Colon-ate the whole planet.
  30. How does it feel like to touch a colon?
  31. What does the digestive system always asks from everyone? The root-canal.
  32. Why digestive system went too deep at the canyon? They didn’t know it’s an end.
  33. What is digestive system’s favorite pet? Doo-key.
  34. Why digestive system feel sick? They just can’t stomach it.
  35. Why I called my digestion the king of the puns? Because he is ready to fire puns.

FAQ: Colonoscopy Humor Edition

Q: Is it okay to make jokes about colonoscopies?

A: Absolutely! Humor can be a great coping mechanism for anxiety or discomfort surrounding medical procedures. Just be mindful of your audience and ensure the jokes are in good taste.

Q: What kind of jokes should I avoid?

A: Avoid jokes that are overly graphic, offensive, or make light of serious medical conditions. Opt for lighthearted puns and situational humor.

Q: My friend is getting a colonoscopy. Would they appreciate these jokes?

A: It depends on your friend’s personality. If they have a good sense of humor and are open to it, a few jokes might be a welcome distraction. If they’re very anxious or sensitive, it’s best to avoid it.

Q: Can I use these jokes on my doctor?

A: Use your best judgment. Some doctors might appreciate a lighthearted approach, while others prefer to maintain a more professional demeanor. Gauge their personality and sense of humor before sharing.

Q: Where can I find more colonoscopy jokes?

A: The internet is full of jokes! You can also adapt general medical or bathroom humor to fit the colonoscopy theme.

Q: I’m still nervous about my colonoscopy, even with the jokes. What should I do?

A: It’s completely normal to feel nervous. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. They can explain the procedure in detail and address any anxieties you may have. Deep breathing, meditation, or visualization exercises can also help.

Q: What’s the best way to tell a colonoscopy joke?

A: Delivery is key! Keep it light, friendly, and well-timed. A genuine smile can go a long way.

Q: Will laughing affect my colonoscopy?

A: Not at all! A little laughter won’t interfere with the procedure.

Q: Is there a funny side to bowel prep?

A: It may not seem like it, but even bowel prep can be a source of humor. Think about the absurdity of the situation and the lengths we go to for our health.

Q: What if I’m not funny?

A: That’s okay! You don’t have to be a comedian. Simply sharing a smile and offering support can make a big difference.


Colonoscopies may not be the most glamorous topic, but a little humor can go a long way in easing anxiety and making the experience a little more bearable. Whether you’re sharing jokes with friends, family, or even your doctor (with discretion, of course!), remember that laughter is a powerful tool. It’s colonoscopy-accepted! So, go ahead and embrace the lighter side of things… from the inside out!

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