Pi, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, is more than just a number; it’s a mathematical constant that has fascinated scientists and mathematicians for centuries. But beyond its mathematical significance, pi also provides ample opportunities for humor. From clever puns to witty one-liners, jokes about pi are a delightful way to appreciate this infinite, non-repeating decimal. This blog is an entertaining exploration of the humorous side of pi, providing a collection of jokes, puns, and anecdotes that celebrate this mathematical marvel.

Circle Puns

Let’s start with some general wordplay based on circles, the natural habitat of pi. Prepare for a full 360 degrees of laughter!

There are different ways you can enjoy this mathematical constant, below are some circle puns to light up your mood:

  1. Why did the circle break up with the square? They just didn’t see eye to eye.
  2. What do you call a circular snake? A pi-thon!
  3. Why was the geometry book sad? Because it had too many problems that were going around in circles.
  4. What is a mathematician’s favorite dessert? Pi!
  5. Have you heard about the restaurant on the moon? The food is good, but it has no atmosphere. I heard they only serve circle-shaped foods, too.
  6. Why did the student bring a ladder to math class? Because he heard the class was going over his head, and there was pi in the sky.
  7. What do you say to comfort a geometry student? There, there… three point one four one five nine two six five three five…
  8. How does a mathematician plow fields? With a pro-tractor!
  9. I saw a sign that said “Math Tutoring: Pi-rate Lessons Here!”
  10. Why was the circle such a smooth talker? He knew all the right angles.
  11. What’s the best way to serve pi? Á la mode! Anything else is irrational.
  12. My math teacher once caught me watching geometry dash in class. Now he thinks I’m a square.
  13. The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference.
  14. Why do plants hate math? It gives them square roots.
  15. I was going to tell a joke about a tesseract, but it’s too complex to be put into four dimensions.
  16. I know all the digits of pi. It starts with 3.
  17. I ordered root beer, and all I got was an empty mug. I demand a root canal!
  18. Two planes are on a crash course. Where will they crash? Everywhere because planes don’t take the time to study geometry.
  19. What is the integral of 1/cabin? Natural log cabin!
  20. My aunt has a new pet parrot, and I was surprised to learn that it can do trigonometry. It’s a polygon!
  21. Geometry experts can be obtuse.
  22. When mathematicians get divorced, do they split everything evenly, or do they divide it?
  23. Why has nobody ever seen a math shark? Because they are sine in equal cosine.
  24. Mathematicians aren’t fond of cliffhangers because they don’t like infinity.
  25. What do you call a nosy polygon? Poly-gon about their business!
  26. What shirt should you wear while doing complicated mathematics? A mathlete!
  27. What’s the official animal of Pi Day? The pi-thon!
  28. Why should you never start a conversation with pi? It’ll go on forever.
  29. You shouldn’t start a conversation with a mathematician. They’ll just go off on a tangent.
  30. What’s the shape of a pizza? It’s a piece of pi!
  31. What do you call a group of circles that play musical instruments? A round band.
  32. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired.
  33. Why did the point go to the hospital? Because it was acutely ill.
  34. What did the acorn say when it grew up? Geometry!
  35. Why was the equal sign so humble? Because it knew it wasn’t greater than or less than anyone else.
  36. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!
  37. What’s the opposite of denominator? Denumerator!
  38. I have many mathematical jokes…but it’s sad because the amount of jokes is finite.
  39. The math teacher saw that his students didn’t laugh at his jokes. He didn’t think they got the point.
  40. The teacher asked his students to think of any math pun to use in a sentence. One of the students screamed, “I cosine what I want!”

Now, let’s get to the core of the matter. These puns are specifically crafted around the mathematical constant π. Because we all need a slice of the fun!

Pi Day is not just about eating Pies, it is also about finding puns and jokes related to the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. The following puns are designed to celebrate the wonder of pi with humor:

  1. What do you call a bird made of circles? A poly-gone!
  2. What do you call a person who loves circles? A circumference-tialist!
  3. What do you call a sad circle? A blue moon!
  4. How do you make an apple turnover? Push it 3.14 times!
  5. What is the official animal of pi day? Pi-thons.
  6. Why is pi a popular choice for a mathematician’s birthday cake? Because it is irrational.
  7. What do you call a circular seafood dish. Sea Pi.
  8. Who does not like Pi jokes? Rational People
  9. Why is Pi like the DMV? It goes on forever.
  10. Are monster pies scary? Nah, they’re just full of filling.
  11. You are the apple of my Pi.
  12. I went to a pie-eating competition. The desserts were pi-thiful.
  13. I enjoy a good fruit pie; it’s berry necessary.
  14. What do you get if you cross a pie and a snake? A pi-thon
  15. What do you call a pizza with an infinite radius? A pi-zza!
  16. On March 14th, I want to eat some pie, because it is pi-fect
  17. Just spent 3.14 to buy pie ingredients. It was a small price to pay.
  18. I thought pi was delicious, so I went back for sec-n’ derivative.
  19. March 14 is also known as Pi Day, a day for math geeks to act irrational.
  20. I tried to make a pi joke but all the good ones argon.
  21. I’d tell you another pi joke, but I don’t want to be irrational.
  22. What do you call a constant that likes to spy? Pi-vate investigator!
  23. Have you tried the pi at this restaurant? They say it is infinite.
  24. I am not going to tell you a pi joke. You might find it irrational.
  25. I love Pi day it’s an excuse to be irrational, not eating pie to celebrate would be fruitless though.
  26. What do you call a song about pi? A pi-ano piece!
  27. What do you call a group of pies playing musical instruments? A pie-band.
  28. I baked a pi, and I added so much sugar to it that it became sin pi.
  29. I don’t trust curved calculators as they’re just going off on a tangent.
  30. What do mathematicians call diarrhea? 2pi-r-hea.
  31. Stop the pi-tiful puns right now!
  32. Just ate 3.14 slices of Pie, now I have a stomach ache!
  33. What can you make with sour apples? Mean Apple Pies.
  34. My roommate is so into Pi day to the root!
  35. I didn’t understand Pi at first, then it started to circle around my brain.
  36. Some people just see pi, I see pie.
  37. What does a mathematician like to eat with every meal? Pi-ckles!
  38. Just ate a lot of pie, it really filled me up with content.
  39. My favorite dish is chicken pot pi.
  40. Want to go out for pi? Circle me on the calender!

Math Puns

Math is full of funny material. Let’s add some general math jokes into the mix. These are guaranteed to add up to a good laugh.

Math can be difficult, but laughing about math problems can ease up the tension:

  1. Why did the two fours skip lunch? Because they already eight!
  2. Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots.
  3. What do you call a number that can’t stand still? A roamin’ numeral!
  4. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!
  5. Why should you never argue with a circle? Because there’s no point!
  6. Why do teenagers travel in groups of three? Because they can’t even.
  7. Why did the obtuse angle go to the beach? Because it wanted to get a tan!
  8. What do you call a sad math book? A problem novel.
  9. How many mathematicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Just one, but it takes them pi years to do it!
  10. What’s a math teacher’s favorite place to go on vacation? Times Square!
  11. Two friends, Zero and Eight, were going for a swim. Zero said to Eight, “You go first. I’ll wait here until you get back.”
  12. What do you call a broken angel? An Arch-Angel.
  13. Why are parallel lines so tragic? Because they’ll never meet.
  14. How many seconds are in a year? Twelve. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 2nd, May 2nd, June 2nd, July 2nd, August 2nd, September 2nd, October 2nd , November 2nd, December 2nd.
  15. What do you call a number that just can’t stand still? A roamin’ numeral.
  16. Do you know what’s odd? Numbers that can’t be divided by two!
  17. Why do plants hate math? It gives them square roots.
  18. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems!
  19. What do you call a number that just can’t stand still? A roamin’ numeral.
  20. I once saw a math competition at a movie theatre. It was 3D Pi.
  21. I invented a new number. It’s between 5 and 6. I call it Five-ever
  22. A statistician can be having coffee and doughnuts and would tell you how many holes are in the box.
  23. I never planned to love Math as much as I do. But well, there are no regrets.
  24. A bunch of math hopefuls took the finals. All except one passed. He was the only one who truly understood the algorithms.
  25. I went to a music shop but they didn’t have anything that suited my instrument. The shop owner said that the result was natural log.
  26. I’m bad at math. The only reason I want to know it is in case in the future math does math to math.
  27. My dad always reminds me to take the derivative after taking a poop.
  28. My friend thinks triangles are so acute!
  29. You see a farmer with 99 sheep inside a fence. If one escapes how many are left? None, because sheep always follow.
  30. Why do math books look mad? Because they are full of problems.
  31. What do you call a number that can’t stand still? A Roamin’ Numeral!
  32. What did the calculator say to the student? You can count on me!
  33. Why did the two fours skip lunch? They already eight!
  34. Why was the math book always worried? Because it had so many problems!
  35. Why did the student bring a ladder to math class? They wanted to go over the teacher’s head!
  36. What’s a math teacher’s favorite kind of tree? Geometry!
  37. Why was the math class always calm? Because it was so well-rounded!
  38. What do you call a group of mathematicians who believe they’re always right? The Radical Club!
  39. Why was the fraction nervous? Because it was about to be reduced!
  40. What’s a mathematician’s favorite animal? A pie-thon!

Geometry Jokes

Specifically focusing on geometrical shapes and concepts can be surprisingly humorous. Get ready for some sharp lines!

Geometry, the study of shapes, sizes, relative positions of figures, and the properties of space, can be a great topic to explore and learn using humor:

  1. Why was the triangle always in shape? Because it did lots of exercises!
  2. Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots!
  3. Why should you never argue with a circle? Because there’s no point!
  4. What do you call a number that can’t stand still? A roamin’ numeral!
  5. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!
  6. An invisible man married an invisible woman. Now their kids are nothing to look at.
  7. I just saw my math teacher at home Depot. He said he was stocking up on rulers and protractors. I assumed that he was plotting something.
  8. What is a carpenters favorite shape? A wood octagon.
  9. What did the student say after finishing a geometry test? I have finally reached the point right after a lot of angles.
  10. I was on a ship once, and the captain asked me to find the circumference of the ship. It was easy. I just asked a seagull.
  11. What do you call a bunch of circles that play instruments? A round band!
  12. What do you call a math teacher who is also a good dancer? An Algorhythmist!
  13. What do you say after someone tells you something about their day? Hope my day is a cute as yours!
  14. I walked into a geometry class, and the teacher yelled, “I’m not like other nerds. I’m acute one.”
  15. I lost my shape ruler earlier, and I don’t know where to find it. I wish I knew what angle did it.
  16. Did you hear about the kid who got expelled for having a protractor. Turns out he was plotting.
  17. Triangles are so acute!
  18. What do you call an acute angle that is all dressed up? A right angle!
  19. What do you call a person who has a fear of triangles? A tri-pod.
  20. You shouldn’t start a conversation with Pi, they will just go off on a tangent.
  21. I’ve dated big circles and small circles. I think I’m finally ready to settle down with a semi-circle.
  22. Are obtuse angles depressed?
  23. How do you measure the edge of a pizza? With a circumference.
  24. What do you call a dog that is obsessed with geometry? A polygon!
  25. What do you call a polygon that is filled with bees? A hexagon!
  26. What is a mathematician’s favorite season? Sum-mer!
  27. People who like math are number one in my book!
  28. Math is the only place where people buy 69 watermelons, and nobody asks why
  29. Math is a piece of pi!
  30. What do you give a mathlete on Valentine’s Day? Hugs and kisses!
  31. Are you ready for Pi Day? I have been preparing for it for years to the root!
  32. Pi, I will always love you!
  33. What did the student say to his protractor on Valentine’s day? You complete me!
  34. When do angles get measured? Protractor.
  35. A math teacher should be good with all kinds of figures because it is important to be well-rounded.
  36. How did two lines meet for the first time? They went on a date.
  37. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
  38. What do you call a parrot that understands trigonometry? Polygon
  39. Geometry is interesting. It has all the points.
  40. Why was the geometry book so tense? It had too many problems!

Calculus and Advanced Math Puns

Ready to level up? This section covers more complex mathematical concepts for the true math aficionados. Prepare for derivatives of laughter!

Calculus and Advanced Math may be hard to learn, but these puns will make you see its fun side:

  1. Why did the function break up with the interval? Because they were drifting apart!
  2. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? Pouch potato.
  3. Why is it sad that parallel lines have so much in common? Because they’ll never meet.
  4. What do you call a parrot that understands trigonometry? A polygon.
  5. What do functions wear to the beach? Tangents!
  6. What do you get when you integrate secant, tangent, and dt? Secant.
  7. What do you get when you take the sun and divide by pi? Muffin.
  8. What do you call a number afraid of the negatives? Imaginary!
  9. What’s the best way to serve pi? A la mode – nothing else is rational.
  10. Why should you hire an integration company? Because they know how to handle the limits.
  11. An infinite number of mathematicians walk in to a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second one orders half a beer. The third one orders a quarter of a beer. The bartender says “Hey! Settle down! Pi’ll just get you two beers.”
  12. Went to see a music shop today that specializes in instruments for math students. They had nothing, the result was a natural log.
  13. This is me trying to come up with a math joke: lim joke->∞ (joke)
  14. The integral of e^x is e^x. How come exponential functions are not afraid of integration? Because, really, nothing changes.
  15. My calculus professor always said that math puns are the first derivative of humor, and the second derivative of humor is just awful.
  16. 4/3 of people admit that they don’t understand fractions
  17. Some say the glass is half empty. Some says the glass is half full. Clearly, pi=3.
  18. What do you call a constant that likes to spy? A pi-vate investigator!
  19. What’s the best way to serve pi? A la mode – nothing else is rational.
  20. I saw my math teacher at home depot today. I think he’s plotting something.
  21. I’d make a pun about trigonometry, but all the good ones sine.
  22. Went to see a music shop today that specializes in instruments for math students. They had nothing, the result was a natural log.
  23. My calculus professor always said that math puns are the first derivative of humor, and the second derivative of humor is just awful.
  24. I love to use the taylor series when I’m sewing.
  25. Statistics say that the average person knows one out of every pi jokes.
  26. What’s the derivative of the constant function? Zero!
  27. In the spirit of math, I wonder when my root canal is scheduled
  28. There’s a fine line between numerator and denominator.
  29. I gave my geometry teacher a see through graduation gift. She said she could see right through it.
  30. If math was funny, it would be Math-larious!
  31. To all those who took the geometry test, may the odds be ever in your circles.
  32. I love math, it is very adding.
  33. What do you call a number that just can’t stand still? A roamin’ numeral.
  34. I saw my math teacher at home depot today. I think he’s plotting something.
  35. I think my calculator is cute!
  36. I am an expert in sine language.
  37. Why did the two fours skip lunch? They already eight!
  38. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems!
  39. What is a math teacher’s favorite sum? Summer!
  40. To all those who took the geometry test, may the odds be ever in your circles.

FAQ Section

Here are some frequently asked questions about pi and humor, answered with a touch of wit.

Why is pi so interesting?

It’s irrational, never-ending, and appears in unexpected places. Plus, it gives us great material for jokes!

Is Pi Day a real holiday?

Absolutely! Celebrated on March 14th, it’s a day dedicated to all things pi, including eating pie, naturally.

Can jokes about math really be funny?

Yes! Math humor appeals to those who appreciate logic and wordplay. It’s a unique blend of intellect and wit.

How can I remember the first few digits of pi?

Use mnemonics like “May I have a large container of coffee,” where the number of letters in each word corresponds to a digit of pi (3.1415926).

What’s the best kind of pie to eat on Pi Day?

Any kind! But especially circles and one slice as long as possible.

Is pi useful in real life?

Yes, it’s essential in many calculations in physics, engineering, and computer science. So it’s not just for making puns!

Are math jokes only funny to mathematicians?

Not at all! Many math jokes rely on simple wordplay or common mathematical concepts, making them accessible to a broader audience.

How can I come up with my own pi jokes?

Think about words that sound like “pi” (like “pie”) or mathematical terms that can be used in humorous contexts. Get creative!

What does a mathematician say when their soup is too hot?

It needs 3.14 more minutes to cool down.

What is the shape of the future?

A triangle; everything is on the right angle.


From simple circle puns to complex calculus humor, jokes about pi offer a unique way to appreciate this fundamental constant. Whether you’re a math enthusiast or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, the world of pi jokes has something for everyone. So go ahead, share these jokes and spread the humor – after all, the possibilities are as infinite as pi itself!

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