Pelicans, with their oversized bills and comical waddles, are birds practically begging for a good pun. Whether you’re a bird enthusiast, a wordplay wizard, or just need a laugh, pelican jokes are ready to deliver. This post explores the wonderful world of pelican puns, diving into every angle of humor these feathered friends offer. So, flap your wings and get ready for some laughs – things are about to get pelican-tastic!

Pelican Appearance Puns

Pelicans are known for their distinctive features, especially their huge bills. Let’s take a look at some puns that play on their appearance:

These puns tap into the visual humor of pelicans, from their large bills to their feathery physiques.

  1. What do you call a sad pelican? Melancholy.
  2. Why did the pelican start a delivery service? Because he had a big bill!
  3. What’s a pelican’s favorite type of music? Billie Jean by Michael Jackson.
  4. Why did the pelican cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken!
  5. What did the pelican say to the comedian? “Your jokes are bill-iant!”
  6. Why did the pelican refuse to share his fish? He was feeling shellfish.
  7. What do you call a well-dressed pelican? So-fish-ticated!
  8. What is a pelican’s favorite computer program? Adobe Photo-shop!
  9. Why did the pelican get a promotion? He was outstanding in his field – especially at catching fish!
  10. What do you call a pelican that always tells the truth? An honest bill!
  11. What is a pelican’s favorite subject in school? Bill-ology!
  12. Why was the pelican such a good artist? He had a great bill for painting!
  13. What do you call a pelican that’s always complaining? A bill-griper!
  14. What kind of car does a pelican drive? A bill-mobile!
  15. Why did the pelican join the army? To become a special bill-tary operative!
  16. What do you call a singing pelican? Billie Eilish!
  17. Why did the pelican start a gardening business? He had a green bill!
  18. What did the pelican say to his noisy neighbor? “Can you keep it down? You’re giving me a splitting bill-ache!”
  19. Why don’t pelicans ever get lost? Because they always follow the bill-boards!
  20. What do you call a pelican that’s always stressed out? A bill-frazzled bird!
  21. What kind of shoes do pelicans wear? Air Bills.
  22. What do you call a clumsy pelican? A spill-ican.
  23. What do you call a pelican that’s always in charge? The bill-boss.
  24. Why did the pelican become a detective? He had a good sense for the bill.
  25. What do you call a pelican that’s always showing off? A bill-braggart.
  26. What did the pelican say when he won the lottery? “This is one very big bill!”
  27. Why did the pelican go to therapy? He had bill-related anxiety.
  28. What do you call a pelican that’s always up for a challenge? A bill-doer.
  29. Why did the pelican open a restaurant? He wanted to pay his bills.
  30. What does a pelican use to pay for things? Bill-coin.
  31. What do you call a pelican in space? A bill-ien.
  32. What is the most important item to a pelican? Their bill fold.
  33. What do you call a pelican that shops a lot? A spen-dacan.

Pelican Fishing Puns

Pelicans are expert fishers. Let’s look at some puns that hook into their hunting habits:

These puns highlight the pelican’s prowess as a hunter and its interaction with its watery habitat.

  1. Why did the pelican get detention? He kept fishing for compliments!
  2. What’s a pelican’s favorite pickup line? “Are you a fish? Because I’m totally reeling for you!”
  3. What did the pelican say to the fish he caught? “I’ve been waiting a long-bill for you!”
  4. Why don’t pelicans play poker? Too many fishy deals!
  5. What’s a pelican’s favorite type of movie? A fish-terical comedy!
  6. Why did the pelican write a book? He had a lot of fishy tales to tell!
  7. What did the pelican say when he saw a school of fish? “This is reel-y exciting!”
  8. Why did the pelican become a chef? He had a knack for preparing fishy dishes!
  9. What do you call a pelican that loves to gossip? A fish-tale spreader!
  10. Why did the pelican start a blog about fishing? He wanted to share his reel-life adventures!
  11. What’s a pelican’s favorite song? “Hooked on a Feeling!”
  12. Why did the pelican bring a ladder to the lake? He wanted to get to the upper fish levels!
  13. What did the pelican say to the lazy fish? “Don’t be a scale-back!”
  14. What kind of fish do pelicans avoid? Cat-fish, they are too prickly!
  15. Why was the pelican so good at fishing contests? He had a fin-tastic technique!
  16. What is a pelican’s favorite snack? Fish and chips!
  17. Why did the pelican refuse to play hide-and-seek with the fish? Because he always found them too easily!
  18. What did the pelican say to the fish that escaped? “I’ll catch you later, you scale-wag!”
  19. Why did the pelican bring a map to the ocean? He wanted to find the best fishing spots!
  20. What do you call a pelican that loves to experiment with new fishing methods? An innovative angling bird!
  21. Why did the pelican go to the aquarium? He had a craving for some saltwater taffy.
  22. What did the pelican say to the shrimp? “Lettuce get together to see the world!”
  23. What’s a pelican’s favorite restaurant? Red Lobster, for the obvious reasons.
  24. Why did the pelican become a vegetarian? He couldn’t catch any fish that day.
  25. What did the pelican say to the clam? “I’m shellfish when it comes to getting my food.”
  26. Why was the pelican a terrible poker player? He always showed his hand when he had a school of fish.
  27. What do you call a pelican who loves to play poker? A bluff-fin.
  28. Why did the pelican sign up for a fishing tournament? He wanted to prove he was the ultimate fish-ionado.
  29. What is a pelican’s favorite vacation? Swimming in the fish bowl.
  30. What do you call a pelican fisherman? A hookup friend.
  31. What did the pelican say when he came back to the shore? Got hooked up!
  32. Will the pelican fisherman go back to his fishing spot? De-fishly!
  33. How does pelican let his angler friends know that he’s coming? He gives them a call on his shell phone!
  34. How did the pelican keep his hands dry on the shore? He went to the nail filer.

Pelican Behavior Puns

Pelicans are known for their unique social behaviors and interesting flying techniques. Let’s dive into some puns that play on these aspects:

These puns highlight the unique social and physical traits of pelicans, adding humor to their already interesting characteristics.

  1. Why did the pelicans start a band? Because they had great flock-and-roll skills!
  2. How do pelicans communicate? With a lot of bill-board messages!
  3. What did the pelican say to his friend before a long flight? “Let’s wing it!”
  4. Why are pelicans such good team players? They always stick together in their flock!
  5. How do pelicans stay in shape? They do a lot of wing-flapping exercises!
  6. What’s a pelican’s favorite dance move? The flap dance!
  7. Why did the pelican become a motivational speaker? He knew how to inspire others to take flight!
  8. How do pelicans resolve arguments? They have a bill-ateral discussion!
  9. What’s a pelican’s favorite type of party? A flock party!
  10. Why did the pelican become a therapist? He was good at helping birds sort out their wing-ups!
  11. What’s a pelican’s favorite mode of transportation? A wing-mobile!
  12. Why did the pelican start a dating service? To help lonely birds find their perfect match!
  13. How do pelicans celebrate a victory? With a lot of high-fiving – or high-winging!
  14. What do you call a pelican that’s always gossiping? A flighty talker!
  15. Why did the pelican become a detective? He had a knack for uncovering feather-ous secrets!
  16. What do you call a pelican that’s afraid of heights? A scare-dican.
  17. Why did the pelican get a therapist? He had a lot of baggage from flying.
  18. How did the pelican get so strong? Peli-can training.
  19. What do you call a pelican that’s always in a hurry? A quick-bill.
  20. Why did the pelican start a newspaper? To share all the beak-ing news.
  21. How does a pelican answer the phone? “Bill-o!”
  22. How do pelicans keep in touch with each other? They use pelly-grams.
  23. What does a pelican use to tell time? A bird-watch!
  24. What do you call a pelican that knows everything? A bill-iant.
  25. Where do pelicans go to play baseball? A bird park.
  26. Should a pelican be trusted with your money? Absolutely, they’re good at watching their bills.
  27. Why does a pelican live near the ocean? So he can be salty.
  28. What does a pelican do after a long plane ride? Cracks his wings.
  29. Why would a pelican make a terrible secret agent? They whistle blow.
  30. Why would a pelican make a good comedian? They love to wing it!
  31. How does a pelican make a good friend? They try to wing them under their control.
  32. What do you call a pelican who’s never happy? A mis-dican.
  33. Why can’t a pelican stay in a relationship? Because he’s used to flying solo.

Pelican Name Puns

Let’s play with the word “pelican” itself to create even more puns:

These puns focus on wordplay with the pelican’s name, creating humor through clever linguistic twists.

  1. I’m pelican my heart out laughing at these puns!
  2. Don’t be pelican-t, share the jokes!
  3. This is a pelican-liar situation; these puns are too good to be true!
  4. These puns are so good, they’re simply pelican-tastic!
  5. Are you pelican you can handle more of these jokes?
  6. I’m feeling very pelican-uliar today!
  7. This joke is on pelican repeat in my head!
  8. After all this pelican-ning, it’s time for a break.
  9. Don’t be such a pelican – loosen up and laugh!
  10. I’ll pelican-cel my plans to read more puns!
  11. Feeling pelican-thropic, let’s share these puns!
  12. Let’s make this blog post even more pelican-sive.
  13. This is a pelican-venient way to laugh.
  14. I’m so pelican-fused about which pun is the funniest.
  15. Don’t be so pelican-strict about humor.
  16. Let’s get pelican-ized to all these jokes.
  17. These jokes require some pelican-sideration.
  18. Feeling pelican-ted, let’s see if we can think of more puns.
  19. I have a pelican-chant for these kinds of jokes.
  20. Get ready to pelican-ticipate in more pun-filled fun!
  21. It’s pelican-firmed, puns are the best!
  22. Don’t pelican-front me about my bad jokes!
  23. I have to use some pelican-tence to tell these jokes.
  24. Let’s pelican-struct some funny stories using these puns.
  25. I’m pelican-vinced that you’ll enjoy these jokes.
  26. It’s time to pelican-clude this pun session, but we’ll be back.
  27. Are these puns pelican-able?
  28. You need to pelican-trol yourself and laugh at these jokes.
  29. These puns had a great pelican-sion.
  30. What is so pelican-structable about my puns?
  31. How can I pelican-tinue these for hours?
  32. These puns are pelican-ing off!
  33. What kind of brand is penneilcan?

Pelican and Holiday Puns

Here are some puns that are specifically holiday themed!

Combining pelicans with holiday themes is like adding a sprinkle of festive feather-dust to the pun-verse. These jokes take familiar holiday tropes and give them a pelican twist, offering laugh-out-loud moments that celebrate the season with a unique avian touch.

  1. Why do pelicans make terrible Christmas carolers? Because they’re fowl singers!
  2. What do you call a Pelican on Christmas? A Holly Pelican!
  3. How did the pelican do well in life? Good tidings to all men, and good quill!
  4. Why did the pelican dress up as Santa? He needed a little helper!
  5. What do you call a pelican vampire? A Dracu-lecan!
  6. Why don’t pelicans like the Winter Holiday? Because their bill gets a bit too cold!
  7. What do you get if you cross a pelican with a turkey? A bird with a big bill and a bad attitude about Thanksgiving!
  8. Instead of Turkey on Thanksgiving, what did the pelican catch? A fish of course!
  9. What did the pelican wear to a Halloween party? A pelican disguise!
  10. Why did the pelican trick or treat on Halloween? For the bill treats!
  11. Why was the pelican given an award for Veteran’s Day? He fought bill and claw with his fellow pelicans!
  12. What did the pelican write on his loved one’s letter? I’m proud to be your pelican-tine!
  13. Where can you find New Year’s Pelican? New York Pelican!
  14. Is it ever too late to see pelicans? No bird ever is!
  15. What do you call a pelican on St. Patrick’s Day? Pelican o’gold!
  16. What do you call a leprechaun pelican? A lucky-lecan!
  17. What is a pelican’s favorite Easter decor? Easter Egg on its bill!
  18. What does the pelican ask on Earth day? Help clean my bill!
  19. What is a pelican’s favorite Fourth of July firework? The big bill boom!
  20. What do you call a Veteran’s Day patriotic pelican? An honorary bill member!
  21. Why did the pelican make so many heart shaped cards? Because Valentine’s Day his billed!
  22. What did the leprechaun leave in the pelican’s pot of gold? Another lucky bill!
  23. How did the pelican celebrate Passover? He got his matzah bill!
  24. Why did the pelican dress up as a turkey for Thanksgiving? He’s trying to make a point!
  25. What does a pelican ask Santa to get for Christmas? A bill-board full of puns!
  26. What’s the best way to give a pelican a gift on the holiday? Wrapped in a bill-ow!
  27. Why did the pelican get such a great Veteran’s Day card from the soldiers? He never forget’s the fallen billed bravos!
  28. What did the pelican get the girl for Valentine’s Day? A billed of roses!
  29. How does the Pelican prepare for New Year’s Eve? He does his bill makeup!
  30. What Halloween treat did the pelican give the kids? Bill-pops!

FAQ About Pelicans

Q: Are pelicans really that clumsy?

A: While they may look a bit awkward on land, pelicans are actually quite graceful in the air and efficient hunters in the water. Their unique appearance just adds to their charm!

Q: What do pelicans eat besides fish?

A: The diet of a pelican primarily consists of fish; however, they may at times have smaller amphibians in addition to crustaceans in their diet.

Q: Are pelicans endangered?

A: Some species of pelicans are facing threats, but many populations are stable. Conservation efforts help protect these birds and their habitats.

Q: How do pelicans catch fish with their big bills?

A: Pelicans use their bill as a net, scooping up fish and water. They then tilt their head to drain the water, leaving the fish inside.

Q: Where do pelicans live?

A: Pelicans can be found on coasts and lakes all over the world, from tropical to temperate regions.

Q: Do pelicans migrate?

A: Yes, some pelican species do migrate, traveling to warmer climates during the colder months to find food and breeding grounds.

Q: What is a group of pelicans called?

A: A group of pelicans can be called a pod, a brief, a scoop, or a squadron.

Q: How long do pelicans live?

A: Pelicans can live for 15 to 25 years in the wild.

Q: Are pelicans friendly to humans?

A: Pelicans are generally not aggressive toward humans, but it’s always best to observe them from a respectful distance.

Q: Can pelicans be kept as pets?

A: No, pelicans are wild animals and should not be kept as pets. They require specific habitats and diets that are difficult to replicate in captivity.


Pelicans are an endless supply of comical and interesting traits. Whether you’re sharing these puns with friends, using them to spice up your social media, or just enjoying a quiet chuckle, pelican puns are a fantastic way to appreciate these birds and the humor they inspire. Keep those puns flying high, just like the majestic pelican!

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